Students help at community dinner

Photo courtesy Isabella Apfelbeck

Some of the students who served food to the community were, from left, Autumn Jensen-Roehl, Grace Atchak, Maggie Flynn, Kala Hendrickson, and Ethan Ilmar.

Students and staff from the Galena Interior Learning Academy helped make the Valentine’s Day dinner at the elder’s center a success.

The prime rib was donated by the Gan’a Yoo Corporation, with salmon donated by people from Nulato, said Agnes Sweetsir, who helped organize the event.

Money raised by the dinner went to the elder’s nutrition program at the center.

The dinner services themselves were donated by Rand Rosecrans, the culinary arts teacher at GILA.

Four of the students came from the Elder’s Center Bingo Club, said Vera Mountain, community affairs director at the Ptarmigan Hall dorms, with two other students who volunteered. The students were Ethan Ilmar of Napakiak, Grace Atchak of Stebbins, Kala Hendrickson of Bethel, Maggie Flynn of Stebbins, Wesley Yeager of Alegenik, and Autumn Jensen-Roehl of Pedro Bay.