Galena marches for respect


Photo courtesy Pam Pitka>

Students and people in the community gather at SHS school with the “Choose Respect” banner.

By CANDACE COX, staff writer

Galena’s community gathered together for the annual March for Respect, walking from the Galena City Hall to Sweetsir’s store on Thursday, March 27, to show support against domestic violence and sexual assault.

Among the marchers on Thursday was Laura Brooks, the Choose Respect Ambassador selected by Alaskan governor Sean Parnell to represent the state in Galena. Ms. Brooks is the deputy director and health care administrator for the Alaska Department of Corrections.

Ms. Brooks stated very strong opinions regarding domestic violence and feels the most important thing that people who suffer from it need to know is that it’s not their fault.

“It’s time we talked about domestic violence and sexual assault,” said Ms. Brooks. “People need to talk about it.”

Many students marching from the SHS campus were full of energy, especially the elementary school students, as they walked ahead of the group carrying “Choose Respect” flags. “It’s not human to pick on others,” said Craig Beans, 16, a junior from Mountain Village. He seemed to be enlightened by the walk and waved his flag high.

“Getting together as a community helps [spread awareness],” said Amanda Kopp, a 14-year-old freshman from Galena.

The walk was followed by a luncheon.