Knowledge hatches in Mrs. Ruchti’s room

Photo by Paul Apfelbeck

Newly-hatched chicks in Mrs. Ruchti’s room.

By AIDEN DIEHL, staff writer

One of our local teachers is raising chicks in the classroom. Karen Ruchti, special education teacher at the SHS campus, ordered two Icelandic chicks from North Dakota, and received 13 other chicks from Galena residents Sandy Scotton and Dr. Tammy Huntington. Mrs. Ruchti said the chickens were araucanas and some other unknown breeds.

Mrs. Ruchti said there were 14 chicks in the class, although there were supposed to be 15. One of the eggs never got fertilized.

Mrs. Ruchti said that for the first three days, the caregiver doesn’t have to do much to take care of the bird, but after that, don’t have to, but when she does have to take care of them she has, chick starter bird feed, water, and a heat lamp. She also said that the chicks are hatched in an incubator.

Children in her classes used the occasion of the newly-hatched chicks to learn counting to 15 and 21, reading thermometers, telling temperature, and seeing the inside of eggs. So far the students have responded very positively to the chicks, she said.

Asked what her plans are for them for the rest of the year, she said, “If I had a little mobile greenhouse, I would keep them.” Unfortunately, she can’t keep them for various reasons and will therefore be selling them off.